Renee's Website

Monday, March 28, 2011

Subscribe today and take $25 off a $50 purchase!

Hello again, dear reader!

Want to be the first to find out about Renee's new arrivals? How 'bout receiving advance sale notices? You could even get a special gift, like this, just for being a blog follower!

Then join us and subscribe to "A Note from Renee" today!! It's useful and it's free. And from now through April 30, new subscribers can take $25 off a $50 purchase of regularly priced in stock merchandise at Renee's.

"A Note from Renee" is an economical way for me to get out news and information fast.

It can be difficult and/or time consuming to remember to go to a blog daily to see if anything new has been added. When you subscribe any new posts and photos will come directly to your email inbox.

How does one subscribe? Simply go to the blog if you aren't already there. (You can access the blog any time from Renee's website by clicking on "A Note from Renee," or go to reneesclothing (dot) blogspot (dot) com.) See the little "subscribe" box on the upper right side? Type in your email address there. After you verify your subscription, there is no more you need to do. Next time I write a note it will come to you via email! It's that simple.

Tomorrow non-subscribers will receive a $25 incentive card in the mail. Just for signing up, take $25 off any $50 purchase of regularly priced merchandise throughout the month of April. Join us now and claim your gift! Need help? Sign up at Renee's and instantly qualify!

To my current dear subscribers, have you found the information I post useful? Would you recommend others subscribe? Why? What information would you give those who are considering subscribing? Please add your comments and suggestions in the box below. And thank you for keeping up with all things at Renee's!

Laura Castleberry, Mukilteo, models a new Annette Gortz outfit.

(Small print: If you have registered but never received the validation email, you should check your spam or junk filter folder in your email account to see if the validation email is there. Some email providers including AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, and Postini may not deliver the confirmation email you'll need to complete the registration process. Please add to your list of preferred senders inside your address book. Then go back to and subscribe with the email address you just used to complete your subscription. Doing this will prompt the system to send out a second activation email that should now bypass your spam or junk filter and go right to your inbox. Again, you won't be able to complete the registration process until you're able to access the verification email.)

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