Renee's Website

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Dress Age-Appropriate in Seven Easy Steps

Serena (high school senior), Deb (Serena's mother), and Sue (Serena's grandmother) shopped at Renee's yesterday.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday Paige and I had the privilege of dressing three generations. Deb came in with her mother, Sue, and her daughter, Serena. After they perused the store, they asked us to set aside items we thought they might like while they went for lunch. Ooh, my favorite thing to do. But could Renee's dress a senior in high school, her mother, and her grandmother? Yes, I'm happy to report, turns out we could! All three left the store excited about their finds.

In a world where everyone from age 9 to 90 wears jeans, what does "age appropriate" actually mean? Older women don't look like our grandmas used to. People are turning 50 and feeling like they still have some of their best years ahead of them.

These days women are being pushed to look younger, and young girls are being pushed to look older. Perhaps we can figure out a way to make age appropriateness something that inspires confidence and creativity, as opposed to dread and a feeling that one's stylish days are over as soon as a certain number appears on their birthday cake.

Finding a balance between trendy or dowdy, expensive or affordable, young or mature, is a tough spot for most women (and girls) because styles are often aimed at people of a certain age and with a particular income, and we are all at different stages in life. The trick, instead, is to dress for your lifestyle.

I have noticed, in my 20 years (!) of dressing women, that many of us have internalized old rules. Instead of wearing clothing that makes us feel beautiful (and that looks great, too), we play it safe and stay inside our box. We stick to our automatic responses, even though they may be outdated or no longer apply.

Here, then, based on my experience, is my guide to dressing appropriately.

1. Value your body. It works hard for you. Your body is worthy. Adorn it beautifully and stylishly.

2. Pay attention to what feels right on you. Trust yourself. Love what you wear. In my humble opinion, feeling confident in your clothing is more important than what you are actually wearing. Not every trend works for every person. When what you wear suits your age, personality and lifestyle, you will carry it off regardless.

3. Stock your closet with basic and classic pieces that bridge all generations. Invest in the best quality that you can afford.

4. Each season choose a few on trend accessories like shoes, belts, bags and jewelry to keep you looking fresh for the season and age appropriately modern.

5. Shop by fit, not by size. Don't be married to an 8 when the 10 starts fitting a little better. Make sure the clothing flatters your body type.

6. For young women, it's more about dressing fun, as opposed to overtly sexual. 

7. Last, and most importantly, have a youthful attitude, and be open to change and experimentation at every age. I have seen time and again, when customers are willing to try on something out of their comfort zone, they have been pleased with the outcome.

So, friends, come in to Renee's again. Let us help you. Be open to suggestions. What have you got to lose? You just might be pleasantly surprised at the results.

With love,


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